

Distinctive Perennials

Ornamental Grasses


Wreaths & Gifts





Welcome, Christmas tree growers

At Kings Creek Trees we apply cultural practices that ensure your Christmas tree stock contains the most desirable qualities. Without doubt the most important part of ensuring a tree’s characteristics is the source from which its seed originated.

We are extremely selective regarding seed source. The result is that we can provide the hardiest, fastest-growing, most attractive and disease-resistant varieties that exist.

Demand is waning for the some of the more traditional species. The species we grow will allow you to be prepared for changing demands. In addition, these species allow you to present a more enjoyable, fun experience for your choose-and-cut customers. This, in turn, leads to increased revenues both through an increase in volume and higher retail values.

Our price list

Please note that we do not charge for packaging and handling. Delivery is charged at absolute minimum cost.

Refer to the detailed pages on the right for more information on seed sources and tree characteristics.

Please contact us for specific needs.


Why people should by a real Christmas Tree

We are currently growing more than 500,000 seedlings and transplants of Christmas tree stock. Species currently under cultivation are:

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